Registration form for the 2001 North American Conference on Bisexuality, Gender, and Sexual Diversity August 9th-12th, 2001 at the University of British Columbia Conference Centre, Vancouver BC Canada Return this form with appropriate payment to NACB 2001 c/o The Centre 1170 Bute St. Vancouver BC Or fill in your credit card information an email to ***Part one Personal Information Name Address City State/Province Zip Code Phone number Email Address Name you would prefer on your conference badge ***Part 2 Conference Fees (circle whichever applies) Early Bird Before February 28th, 2001 $US - 55 $CAN - 75 MXP - 468 Regular $US - 75 $CAN - 99 MXP - 625 Day of Conference $US - 99 $CAN - 120 MXP - 758 Method of Payment ____Check(s) or money order enclosed. (Payable to NACB 2001) ____Visa - Card # and expirey date Instalment plan (early bird and regular only) Payment may be made in the form of two alternately dated checks. In order to qualify for early-bird pricing, both checks must be dated prior to Nov. 30th, 2000. Conference Accessibility Policy Everyone is welcome a this conference regardless of the ability to pay. If you cannot afford these fees, please speak to our Accessibility Coordinator who will be happy to work out an alternate arrangement. All information shared with the Accessibility Coordinator is strictly confidential. To reach the Accessibility Coordinator, email or fax 604-875-8878 ***Part 3 Conference Accessibility I need assistance with (check all that apply) ____Sign language interpretation ____Visual guide ____Child care ____Language interpretation (which one?) ____Other (please specify) I can assist with (check all that apply) ____Sign language interpretation ____Visual guide ____Child care ____Language interpretation (which) ____I can provide accommodation in the Vancouver area for ____ people ***Part 4 Get involved! ____Please send me _____brochures and ____ posters to distribute in my area ____I'd like to help out during the conference ____I'd like to be part of the organizing team in the area of Conference Accessibility notes The conference venue is wheel chair accessible and the conference time-table is being planned with accessibility in mind. We anticipate sign having sign language interpretation throughout the conference but please help us be certain your requirements are met but checking the box to the left if you require it. For more in formation on conference accessibility, visit our web page at http//, fax 604-875-8878 or email